• Don Simon, an all time favorite.

     We have spoken a lot about bottled drinks and as far as sayings about alcohol go it's always about downing or popping bottles but today we're going to talk about a drink that doesn't come in a bottle, which goes by the name Don Simon. yeah Don Simon, it comes in two flavors that I know of. the Vino Tinto (Red Wine) and Sangria. Now to me Don Simon is somewhat of an unsung hero in the alcoholics genre altogether honestly. The Sangria is a traditional drink in Spain, made from red wine and natural fruit extracts without preservatives and dyes. Sangria if served cold is kind of like the ultimate summer drink because it can be served in different ways like being served better by adding some fresh fruits such as oranges, apples, and even pineapples. Lemonade or ginger the limit here honestly is just your imagination.  The Sangria drink traditionally consists of red wine and chopped fruit, often with other ingredients such as orange juice or brandy. The alcohol content is just 12% in a 1 liter tetra pack container with a plastic screw cap filled with greatness. now as for the Vino Tinto which means red wine, we all are familiar with red wine and its taste we don't need to be told all that but did you know the effects of red wine? let me start by saying on finding out these facts I was kind of in awe and I didn't totally believe it took me a while thanks to google I have confirmed these facts. 

    Red wine is known to reverse the effect of dying ear hair cells which marks the onset of losing hearing abilities yeah that means more red wine and bye bye to deafness. 

    Red wine also contains a lot of anti-oxidants. like LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of them. These are the primary compounds that have ageing properties and even help with diabetes. it might not necessarily be called the fountain of youth but i wouldn't mind looking younger i mean who wouldn't.

    Red wine contains a powerful anti-oxidant called Resveratrol. consuming healthy amounts of red wine cuts the harmful effects of the bad LDL cholesterol and prevents the formation of blood clots while increasing the level of the good ones.

    Red wine can prevent cancer. the oxidative damage to body functions, the primary cause of Alzheimer's, type - 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can be readily prevented by the consumption of anti-oxidants found in red wine. these in conjunction with chemo therapy can enhance the success rate of curing cancer greatly. so not only can Red wine can not only prevent but cure also.

    I believe we have seen in the movies that French people have a peculiar habit of having wine with their meals. apparently, alcohol stimulates the appetite so it's better to drink it with food, slows the stomach's emptying time and decreases the amount of food consumed at the meal.

    So red wine seems to be pretty awesome. It has many many functions and advantages and it also used to make dishes. some of those exotic meals being made by over paid Chefs on fake reality tv shows and the likes. it is pretty awesome there are also many other brands of red wine you could have apart from Don Simon. Well to me the Don Simon Vino Tinto has a bad after taste that leaves my throat feeling funny. and not funy in a good way. so my dear "responsible alcoholics" please drink responsibly.


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