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  • Schnapps Kind of Day


    Okay, so I spoke to a friend looking for inspiration for this blog, and guess what was recommended I write about today? Seamans Schnapps. Now to be honest the first time I saw this drink I was very little. If I can recall correctly, I believe the cap full was practically forced down my throat, and as a "MAN" I was supposed to like and eventually get used to this very foul bitter taste, and guess what!? I ****ing loved it. Funny enough I still happen to be, as I am often told, to be in my early years of drinking. I am yet to go to vineyards in Italy or France and go for wine tastings and fully embrace that inner alcohol connoisseur. *Big smile* hope you guys have been having a great life drinking irresponsibly, sorry scratch that, drinking responsibly. You know autocorrect *wink*. Welcome again to Shayorepublic where we help maximize your alcohol "potential".  

    Seamans Schnapps is always referred to amongst only the older generation and stuff like you wouldn't see a couple of young men buy a bottle of Schnapps and drink they'd rather buy crates of beer or pop bottles of champagne or down bottles of vodka. Totally beside the topic but are bottles of Schnapps still required if you want to marry an Igbo girl? Asking for a friend, let me know in the comments. Now, back to the topic. It is actually the number one drink for traditional occasions in the country. It is produced by Grand Oak Limited, one of Nigeria's leading marketers of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Grand Oak is also the producer of Lord's Dry Gin, Regal Dry Gin, Swagga Bitters, and St. Lauren among others. Seaman's Schnapps also comes in a 75cl green bottle with 43% alcohol. Now Schnapps is a type of alcoholic beverage that may take several forms including distilled fruit brandies, herbal and flavored liqueurs made by adding fruit syrups, spices, or artificial flavorings to neutral grain spirits but Seaman's Schnapps is a premium brand of schnapps with a unique taste, ageless in every sense it is the most preferred drink for any cultural event you name it. Now I haven't been adventurous enough to try to mix Seaman's before so really be my guest and be an adventurous little drunkard and have some experience. And if you don't die, tweet at us or let us know in the comments about it and share your experience. Have fun!!!

  • Don Simon, an all time favorite.

     We have spoken a lot about bottled drinks and as far as sayings about alcohol go it's always about downing or popping bottles but today we're going to talk about a drink that doesn't come in a bottle, which goes by the name Don Simon. yeah Don Simon, it comes in two flavors that I know of. the Vino Tinto (Red Wine) and Sangria. Now to me Don Simon is somewhat of an unsung hero in the alcoholics genre altogether honestly. The Sangria is a traditional drink in Spain, made from red wine and natural fruit extracts without preservatives and dyes. Sangria if served cold is kind of like the ultimate summer drink because it can be served in different ways like being served better by adding some fresh fruits such as oranges, apples, and even pineapples. Lemonade or ginger the limit here honestly is just your imagination.  The Sangria drink traditionally consists of red wine and chopped fruit, often with other ingredients such as orange juice or brandy. The alcohol content is just 12% in a 1 liter tetra pack container with a plastic screw cap filled with greatness. now as for the Vino Tinto which means red wine, we all are familiar with red wine and its taste we don't need to be told all that but did you know the effects of red wine? let me start by saying on finding out these facts I was kind of in awe and I didn't totally believe it took me a while thanks to google I have confirmed these facts. 

    Red wine is known to reverse the effect of dying ear hair cells which marks the onset of losing hearing abilities yeah that means more red wine and bye bye to deafness. 

    Red wine also contains a lot of anti-oxidants. like LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of them. These are the primary compounds that have ageing properties and even help with diabetes. it might not necessarily be called the fountain of youth but i wouldn't mind looking younger i mean who wouldn't.

    Red wine contains a powerful anti-oxidant called Resveratrol. consuming healthy amounts of red wine cuts the harmful effects of the bad LDL cholesterol and prevents the formation of blood clots while increasing the level of the good ones.

    Red wine can prevent cancer. the oxidative damage to body functions, the primary cause of Alzheimer's, type - 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can be readily prevented by the consumption of anti-oxidants found in red wine. these in conjunction with chemo therapy can enhance the success rate of curing cancer greatly. so not only can Red wine can not only prevent but cure also.

    I believe we have seen in the movies that French people have a peculiar habit of having wine with their meals. apparently, alcohol stimulates the appetite so it's better to drink it with food, slows the stomach's emptying time and decreases the amount of food consumed at the meal.

    So red wine seems to be pretty awesome. It has many many functions and advantages and it also used to make dishes. some of those exotic meals being made by over paid Chefs on fake reality tv shows and the likes. it is pretty awesome there are also many other brands of red wine you could have apart from Don Simon. Well to me the Don Simon Vino Tinto has a bad after taste that leaves my throat feeling funny. and not funy in a good way. so my dear "responsible alcoholics" please drink responsibly.

  • Happy Valentine's day from shayorepublic, pass the Agbara

    Happy Valentine's day to you all. How are we all doing?? I just had to put this up, I know it has been a while we posted anything on here but this is a good one. How is the day going? You having fun? Remember to drink responsibly, after all Shayo na Bastard but..i heard POSTPILL is bae. I actually read that on Now for our last installment in the bitters series. Today we are gonna be exploring the world of Agbara Bitters. I would love to welcome y'all to
    To our faithfuls, welcome back to our first timers welcome to the alcoholics journal about "what to" and "how to". I would like to call myself the Hemmingway of writing about alcoholic drinks but i wouldn't like to brag. So yes Agbara bitters the one with the extremely ripped dude's torso on the bottle. in 2014, a market survey put the annual value of he alcoholic bitters market at quite a high sum of N32billion and the market has only grown bigger since. only if i had this information back in 2014. it comes in a 375ml bottle with 33% alcohol. it's major contents are Ethyl Alcohol, Water, Bitter extracts, Caramel and Flavour.
    It is produced here in Nigeria by Devine Source Ventures. I would want to believe that must of us already have an idea how drinks in the bittters genre taste. But each do have a uniquely different taste in their own way. Some aren't as bitter as others, but the end result is the same. For me it has this awesome after effect, yeah it would be bitter in the mouth and after swallowing not really bitter like that, but give it time and watch it work wonders in your body after all you might need it for the nights activities considering today is Valentine's and all. Maybe the page should have a touch or red and white for the day? Will that be too much? The Wonders i am referring to are getting rid of certain pains in certain areas. Everyone who's had one can "testify". It's indeed kinda refreshing actually. What were you thinking?? jeeeezzz.. You should totally try it and oh don't forget to pass it..pass the Agbara. *wink wink*
  • Taking Action Like a boss *wink wink*

    Hello my alcohol faithfuls, today we are still preaching the gospel of alcohol ever more fevrently. Today we have another Bitters article. We can never have enough articles describing this beauty that is alcohol. Welcome to our third installment in the bitters series. Action Bitters is the name.
    There was an article about this particular brand of bitters in Linda Ikeji's Blog March last year when they got a new bottle. Experience same action and a new feel with the new look blah blah blah. It is produced in Nigeria by Intercontinental Distillers Limited. The ingredients are said to be natural extracts of true African roots, and on seeing that i started wondering if there is a thing such as "untrue" African roots. I mean really? But let's leave that at that. Most bitters drinks consist of aromatic herbs, barks, roots, and or fruit for their flavour and medicinal purposes.
    Did you know bitters could be added to a cocktail? Since it is bitter on its own adding it to cocktail won't make it bitter but better. But from what i have gathered most people like their bitters in its virgin form no mixtures.
    Action bitters comes in a 5ml sachet, a 75cl, 37.5cl, 180ml, and also a 100ml bottle. So it totally depends on the size you want and how much you're willing to take. or it could depend on the impression you want to leave, if you know what i mean. Action bitters is  24% alcohol  which is fair if you ask me. Just like any other bitters drink it seems to have its customer base whom if you ask will say it is preferable to any other bitters product. I personally don't like calling favourites on anything and i think that helps me to have a somewhat fair judgement.

    So i think you would just have to have a bottle of each at different times and come to this conclusion on your own. Action bitters is also, well bitter and has this soothing after effect which caused goosebumps for me the first time i had it. Was meaning to ask the producers if that's a normal reaction. Leave that for later but for right now i would just suggest you don't take herbal bitters as a means of unwinding, after all it is medicinal and is not just some acoholic drink that you take whenever you want to feel some sorta buzz. That is my personal opinion but that never stopped anyone did it? Have a drink of Action Bitters and see your performance rate soar. Don't forget to have a good time. Happy Holidays!
  • Second Insallment : #TeamAlomo

    We're still very much on the bitters journey here so this should be the second instalment. Todays article is about the most popular bitters at a time in this our great country Nigeria, and it goes by the name Alomo Bitters. Yes the acclaimed alomo bitters that has done wonders to the average males libido. From limp star to porn star. lol if you get what i mean. At the time the drink went viral it was used in songs an lauded for its many accomplishments and the manufacturers smiled their way to the bank. Some people were brazen enough to call it a substitute for Viagra. which to be honest it kinda is. Yeah it is that awesome.. anyway, Alomo Bitters is produced bottled and blended by hthe Kasapreko company in Ghana. Although being made in Ghana it is widely consumed in Nigeria which makes up 50% of the entire market for Alomo Bitters in West Africa.
    It is also available in sachets can you imagine? it is available in 750ml bottle or 250ml bottle and also 30ml sachets which are widely available for purchase. it made out of various plant extracts but it seems the main ingredients themselves are a secret of some sort, and the manufacturers also claimed the drink has anti-malarial qualities  and also the easing of menstrual pain and cramps in women. this work of art is also said to have no side effects. the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine in Ghana has made that clear after testing out so it has all these qualities and no side effects so i think i should be able to buy another bottle in a little bit. Yo! i also saw this, According to CNN Money Article, Alomo Bitters is said to be one of the top 5 emerging brands in the world about to hit the big time. now that is worth writing about.
    I wouldn't want to beleive there are people here who read this that could call themselves consenting alcoholics who havent tried a bottle or five. so if you havent had it before go spice up your sex life have a bottle of Alomo Bitters today. you could totally take my word for it you wouldn't regret it.  i also realized there are a lot of counterfeit products bearing the same name and having the same look. i think that's what gave room to the rise in other bitters product sales. so now finding an original product might be somewhat of a challenge depending on where you reside. So incase you're wondering why you performed below par last time after having drank Alomo Bitters i think it would be safe to say you had a fake one. Just saying...

  • The Bitters series Part 1: Orijin-ality

    Welcome once again to Its another weekend and here we have another article for our readers. This is going to be the first of the bitters series. Now, bitters are also a kinda alcoholic drink if you think about it. Back then they werent though we had drinks like yoyo bitters and the likes which weren't for social consumption mostly medicinal but now thank God for evolution we have the many bitters which are used for various purposes. Now I personally haven't always been a fan of bitters but in recent years Ive become somewhat very fond of it. Now I am sure we all know the lore about how it helps the male "performance" and all that jazz. Personally I just think it's psychological and there's no magic involved in my own humble opinion. With that out of the way, today's article is about Orijin Bitters. I am sure a vast majority of our male readers have had one this week...*wink wink* to keep body and soul together as they say. It's a product of the Diaego/Guinness Nigeria company and it is very the name implies..bitter. and the bitter after taste that the alcohol tends to escort could almost be described as orgasmic. but don't take my word for it go get yourself one right away. it is totally worth it. it an indigenous alcoholic beverage in a dark green 20cl & 75cl sizes marketed with an ABV of closer to 30%. since it is bitter as the name describes certain African herbs and fruits can be found in it which gives it its flavor like plant extract (neutral spirits, sugar, citric acids, trisodium citrate, caramel extracts, naartire, chamomile, thyme, cinnamon and orange). this said flavor tastes somehow medicinal depending on who you ask of course. Since in the above list of ingredients of production chamomile is listed and Im sure you must have seen chamomile tea being sold somewhere for those people are extremely vertical (fat) chamomile is said to actually help with the usual stomach upset and even anxiety. Also for those adventurous alcoholics out there, it could also be mixed into Chapman to give it a traditional feel..Thank me later. I mean how awesome could one drink be? Considering this is the first article in the series there is definitely more to come. Which bitters drink would you suggest gets posted next week? Anyone?.....
  • Pour me some Champagne..

    Welcome once again to, today is the day we discuss champagne. the pronunciation of this is really open to suggestion, if i recall Falz the bad guy had a funny way of doing that during one of his skits. Anyway the brand we are discussing today is going to be Moet. For the dudes who pop champagne in the club would've definitely come across this brand no matter what, even those who have a phone with media even if na "chinco" would've sha heard a song in which it was mentioned. The company that produces this is actually called Moet and Chandon or you could just call it Moet no problem.
    It is of French origin and is one of the world’s largest expansive champagne producers. It was established in 1743 by Claude Moet and produce approximately 28,000,000 bottles of champagne yearly. You guys know Dom Perignon right? it's a brand of champagne produced by Moet. It's named after a Dom Perignon, a Benedictine monk who was an important quality pioneer for champagne wine but who, contrary to what is commonly said he didn't discover the champagne method for making sparkling wines.
    Dom Perignon is a vintage champagne, meaning that it is only made in the best years and all grapes used to make the wine were harested in the same year. Many other champagnes by contrast, are non vintage which means that the champagne is made from grapes harvested in various years. now the production of vintage wines sounds complex and has plenty wahala to be honest. Around 5 million bottles are produced in each vintage. The wine is 60% Chardonnay and 40% Pinot Noir with 6 g/l dosage.
    So this champagne isn't like very alcoholic like that it is 12% in an attractive 750ml bottle. now we have spoken about everything except the taste itself. now how can i possibly paint this picture without it sounding like an exaggeration of some sort. ok so imagine yeah, attempting to ingest a liquid that makes love to your tongue and cheek at the same damn time while in your mouth. that bubbly feeling is basically reserved for the other worldy beings things only imagined and almost always eternally sought after. I would've used the Pringles catch phrase but that wouldn't completely be true because you will stop after you can't afford any more bottles or if you're a lightweight so there is that. Also there is also the Brut imperial Rose is a blend of the three wine varieties with an emphasis on Pinot Noir and has a rich rose color with lots of lively raspberry and lovely texture: elegant, racy,seamless and long. We shall delve in to the Rose matter properly next week. Fun fact: more than 20% of production at Moet et Chandon is actually rose. It has the scent of wild strawberries and it also has this zestful assertive fruitiness which makes it unique in its own way.
    So now my fellow alcoholics, don't let your earnings stop you from having a good time. Go "pop" a bottle of champagne or two in the club have fun, after all you only live once right? Unless you believe in re-incarnation but that wouldn't help me make my point so I consider it irrelevant right now. So yes enjoy. Same time next week.. see you then
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