• Some of our favourite mixtures....

    Okay this is  just a quick article y'all, not talking about any drink in particular but about drinking etiquette in general. It indeed has been a while. So let's call this drinking etiquette class one or 101 or whatever, whichever you'd prefer so let's start this shall we? I hope someone out there in the world has tried some of these mixtrues i am about to take my time to describe. Now some of these could be described as cocktails in truth but i prefer the term concoctions because it sounds like something on Africa Magic which i do not watch by the way, just had to get that out of the way.
    Yeah back to the topic, some of these don't qualify for cocktail and using the word concoction wouldn't be politically correct to use on here so we go with mixtures. Come one, Come all, welcome to shayorepublic.com where we make the occassional alcoholic a better person by making you embrace complete inebriation. Now here is a brief list of things that should be on your bucket list, the average person should've at least heard of some of these to be honest.

    1. Smirnoff Raspberry mixed with Vanilla ice cream. I had this at a friends birthday and ironically enough the said friend doesm't drink but for some reason is very comfortable around drunk people and encourages it somewhat. Everyone has their issues right? It tasted like alcoholic ice cream. It was different very smooth and sweet. I should give it a name. i am taking suggestions.

    2. Yoghurt and Bull gin. Now it might depend on the brand of yoghurt but the one i used was Ojoma yoghurt and it was very awesome. Now the brand of gin might also depend but i will be more than willing to mix it up some other time. Wouldn't you? Now this mixture could be called a very local version of Baileys, after all at the time i did this i was in a freshman in college so don't judge me alright?

    3. Orijin Bitters and Maltina. I believe i have this on good authority when i say that people don't really like mixing their bitters dfrinks. I wonder why though because of all the new exciting flavours that could be found just by one simple mixture. This mixture almost tasted like Legend the stout. I have never been a fan of Beer but this made me almost appreciate them brewers only because of the similarity in taste.

    4. Smirnoff Guarana and Masters Choice. Now this is very awesome. I had this mixture well over a few times and i could almost say that it changed my life but some people might think of that as just some exaggerated truth. Now this taste is something wonderful and nice. It has this addictive feeling. It could be mistaken for some sorta champagne when properly mixed and if possible bottled. Wait....i just had an idea.

    5. Chocolate Flavoured Vodka and Maltina. If you're a feverent reader of this site then you must of seen this already in one of my previous articles. Now the two types of chocolate flavoured vodka i have done this with are Imperial Knights and Magic Moments. Chocolate flavoured vodka honestly isn't my thing. I would prefer to drink vodka plain and cold. But a mix up is very welcome from time to time. I don't know if this goes with other brands of malt drinks but this is the only one i have tried and recommend. Be a good drunkard,try this and enjoy yourself.

    6. Vodka and Vijuu milk. When next you think of having a drink of Vijuu milk just add a little vodka in it and enjoy the benefits. Either the chocolate or the pineapple flavour.it tastes really awesome and it is very portable since you just top up the Vijuu bottle with vodka and walk around and no one is the wiser. You could be smiling around like a complete idiot and people will be thinking you're going crazy but you most definitely will be thanking me later.

    7. Vodka and Hollandia Yoghurt. Vodka again. There was a time in my life when my two favourite things were vodka and chocolate, good times. I have added a few more things now like writing, listening to music, insulting people online, ecetera. This is also another amazing mixture to be honest, it also depends on the brand of vodka. Different brands different outcomes. Mix and enjoy.

    8. Zobo and Gin. The drink of champions. Have you ever spiked your zobo before? The outcome is genius kinda like me. I am allowed to blow my own trumpet am i not? And please know that it is anatomically impossible for me to blow my own trumpet incase you're thinking in that direction....moving on..

    9. Star Radler and Black Label. This is also another genius combo. Star radler has the lowest alcohol content i have seen but when mixed with Johnnie Walker's black label well...it tastes unique and my words to describe fail me at the moment. And coming from someone that's said to be good with them that says a lot.

    Those are just a few of the many concotions or mixtures or cocktails that i know, y'all should send in yours..let's see which is the most absurd..lmao...have a fun rest of the week.

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